International Day
of Persons
with Disabilities

L’Ajuntament de Vic contacted us to create the new image of the campaign for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

It had to be an inclusive campaign where visibility was given to the mask created by Dr. Trueta Foundation. A mask that allows you to see the lips of those who use it, offering a very important resource not only for a group with very specific needs, but for the general population.

Dia Internacional persones diversitat funcional - Ajuntament Vic - Alucina Disseny gràfic i comunicació
Dia Internacional persones diversitat funcional - Ajuntament Vic - Alucina Disseny gràfic i comunicació
Dia Internacional persones diversitat funcional - Ajuntament Vic - Alucina Disseny gràfic i comunicació
Dia Internacional persones diversitat funcional - Ajuntament Vic - Alucina Disseny gràfic i comunicació
Dia Internacional persones diversitat funcional - Ajuntament Vic - Alucina Disseny gràfic i comunicació

This campaign, led by Vic City Council, gave support and visibility to Osona organizations working to improve the quality of life of people with functional diversity or disability.

We decided to work on a series of characters who would be the protagonists of the posters, with a soft aesthetic and a positive look.

  • Branding

  • Art direction

  • Graphic design